Rev. Karen Coratelli-Smith DBA “Hugs for Happiness”** – Tutor NFSH – The Healing Trust, Former Healing in America Southeast Regional Director. Practitioner of Individual, Tandem, and Family Group; Contact and Distant Energy Healing Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy, Past Life Regression Counselor, Theta Healing® practitioner and instructor, Esoteric Healing, Psycho-Geometrics, John of God Crystal Energy Healing Therapy, and John of God Spiritual Journeys. For private or group sessions email Karen: ksmith727@comcast.net or call 239-692-9120 (Landline) or 239-784-6442 (Call or Text) | |
Rev. David C. Karg**– Tutor NFSH – The Healing Trust, Former Healing in America Licensed Trainer. Practicing Individual, Tandem, and family Group; Contact and Distant Energy Healing Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy, Past Life Regression Counselor, Theta Healing® practitioner and instructor, Esoteric Healing, and John of God Spiritual Journeys. For private Energy Healing Therapy sessions email David at dkarg@embarqmail.com. Or, call 239-530-0838. | |
Lea Brodie MNFSH, IAHP, Dip. RAW, Tutor NFSH – The Healing Trust – Surrey, England and Naples, FL, USA Lea is British and comes from generations of Healers with both parents being Fellows of NFSH – The Healing Trust. She has practiced as a Spiritual Healer for many years and was a Trustee of NFSH – The Healing Trust for 9 years. Harry Edwards, the great Healer and first president of NFSH, was a friend and minister at her wedding. Her experience includes working at hospices, Healing Centres, London exhibitions, Naples, Florida Community Healing evenings and her private clinic. She has represented NFSH – The Healing Trust on radio, TV and at The House of Lords. She is a qualified Aromatherapist, Masseur, CranialSacral Therapist and Reiki practitioner. Lea winters in Naples, FL: Weblink: www.leabrodie.co.uk Email: lea@leabrodie.co.uk U.S. Cell: 239-250-0644 England cell +44 7885 500176. |
Monica Bomfim – Healer Member NFSH – The Healing Trust. . (928) 362-5806. Email: monica@mholistichealing.com | |
Richard Kurzenberger. Healer Member of NFSH – The Healing Trust. Healer Member. 713-534-7478. richard.kurzenberger@gmail.com |
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Lourdes Alaimo Student Member NFSH – The Healing Trust. Level 3 Graduate with Healing in America and Theta Healing Practitioner. Her phone number is 239-290-8409 or email alaimolc@gmail.com | |
Rev. Valerie Johnston. Healer Member NFSH -The Healing Trust. Level 3 Intern with Healing in America.
239-571-5907. valjohnston@comcast.net |
![]() Valeria Johnston |
Lea Brodie MNFSH, IAHP, Dip. RAW, Tutor NFSH – The Healing Trust – Surrey, England and Naples, FL, USA
Lea is British and comes from generations of Healers with both parents being Fellows of NFSH – The Healing Trust. She has practiced as a Spiritual Healer for many years and was a Trustee of NFSH – The Healing Trust for 9 years. Harry Edwards, the great Healer and first president of NFSH, was a friend and minister at her wedding. Her experience includes working at hospices, Healing Centres, London exhibitions, Naples, Florida Community Healing evenings and her private clinic. She has represented NFSH – The Healing Trust on radio, TV and at The House of Lords. She is a qualified Aromatherapist, Masseur, CranialSacral Therapist and Reiki practitioner. Lea winters in Naples, FL: Weblink: www.leabrodie.co.uk |
Joanna Cameron. Student Member NFSH -The Healing Trust. Graduate of Healing in America Level 3. Traveling massage therapist. 239-272-2124 pandaboy47@comcast.net | |
Rev. Karen Coratelli-Smith DBA “Hugs for Happiness”** – Tutor NFSH – The Healing Trust, Former Healing in America Southeast Regional Director. Practitioner of Individual, Tandem, and Family Group; Contact and Distant Energy Healing Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy, Past Life Regression Counselor, Theta Healing® practitioner and instructor, Esoteric Healing, Psycho-Geometrics, John of God Crystal Energy Healing Therapy, and John of God Spiritual Journeys. For private or group sessions email Karen: ksmith727@comcast.net or call 239-692-9120. | |
Kathleen A. D’Orsi, LCSW Healer Member NFSH – The Healing Trust. Level 1 Intern with Healing in America. Fourth year student with Barbara Brennen School of Energy Healing and licensed LCSW.
732-672-5069 kdorsi@comcast.net |
Rev. David C. Karg**– Tutor NFSH – The Healing Trust, Former Healing in America Licensed Trainer. Practicing Individual, Tandem, and family Group; Contact and Distant Energy Healing Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy, Past Life Regression Counselor, Theta Healing® practitioner and instructor, Esoteric Healing, and John of God Spiritual Journeys. For private Energy Healing Therapy sessions email David at dkarg@embarqmail.com. Or, call 239-530-0838. | |
Rev. Maria Elena Roubicek– Student Member NFSH – The Healing Trust. Healing in America graduate, Private practice yoga teacher John of God Crystal Energy Healing Therapy. For private Energy Healing sessions call Elena at 239-404-4651
or email nenaroubicek@aol.com. Bilingual Spanish/English. |
Don Fedor. Healer Member NFSH – The Healing Trust. Author of “Awaken to Love; New Wisdom from 20 Spiritual Masters”. Graduate of Healing in America. seahorse87@comcast.net | ![]() Don Fedor |
Scott Curtis. Student Member NFSH – The Healing Trust, and massage therapist. St. Johns, Michigan 239-821-6844. Sthomerscot@yahoo.com | ![]() |
Nancy O’Donohue. Tutor NFSH – The Healing Trust. Former Healing in America Midwest Regional Director and Licensed Trainer. In-person and long distance human and animal healing. Nancy has studied with indigenous elders worldwide for more than 30 years and apprenticed with Muskogee Creek elder Marcellus “Bear Heart” Williams for 15 years, learning many of his medicine ways. She is also a Sun Dancer, Vision Faster, Purification Lodge leader and Pipe Carrier, and has taught personal growth and spirituality workshops in the United States, Europe, and Australia for the past 15 years. Under her pen name, Molly Larkin, she authored The Fountain of Youth is Just a Breath Away: Breathing Exercises for Relaxation, Health and Vitality and co-authored the international best-seller, The Wind Is My Mother; The Life and Teachings of a Native American Shaman. Creator of the online meditation course: Meditations on the Natural World. www.mollylarkin.com Healer website: www.sacredlotushealing.org
269-929-6796. sacredlotushealing7@gmail.com |
Mary Annette Brackin – Student Member NFSH – The Healing Trust. (314) 343-9516. Email: spiritsuperpower@gmail.com | |
Seven Brown. Graduate of NFSH – The Healing Trust Healer program, Theta Healing Practitioner
646-538-5898 Email: sevenbrown@msn.com Location: Luna Wellness, 1204 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10001 |
Seven Brown |
** Hosts of NFSH-The Healing Trust’s Community Healing Sessions, Group Events, Energy Infusion Parties, and Energy Healing Therapy Training & Development Classes in Florida